When can I feel my baby move?

(Video uploaded 11/2021)


Your baby will move inside your belly. As your baby grows, he will become more active. He'll turn around, stretch out his arms or legs, or kick inside your belly. These are baby movements.

When can I feel my baby move?

Pregnant women can usually feel their babies' movements starting at about 18 weeks. If you have given birth before, you may be able to feel this even earlier. By 24 weeks, most pregnant women can feel their babies' movements. If you still haven't felt your baby move by this time, you should consult a doctor. Every baby has its own movement schedule, some may be more active in the daytime, while others may move more at night. A baby's movements usually become more frequent and regular in the third trimester.

But if your baby's movements decreases suddenly, this may be related to his health. Please consult a doctor as soon as possible.