Foetal Development in Middle Pregnancy

Middle pregnancy

Your tummy will be more obvious at this stage and you may develop a dark line down the middle of your tummy, which is normal skin pigmentation. Common minor problems can include backache, indigestion and piles.

14-17 weeks of pregnancy

At 14 weeks, the baby is about 85mm from head to buttom. The baby can swallow bits of amniotic fluid, which is passed out as urine by kidney.

They start to hear and become sensitive to light at 15 weeks even though their eyes are closed .

At 16 weeks, the nervous system continues to develop. Limb movements are more co-ordinated by this time. The hands can reach each other or form a fist.

18-24 weeks of pregnancy

From 18 weeks onwards, the baby is more active, and you may start to feel first movements, which is like soft fluttering sensation. Your baby may also respond to sound from the outside world, such as music. The sucking reflex develops, and the fetus may suck his or her thumb.

At 21 weeks, your baby weighs around 350 grams. More fat is forming under the skin. The brain is rapidly developing. The eyes begin to open. The lungs are fully formed but not yet functioning.

25-28 weeks of pregnancy

Stretch marks may develop as your tummy becomes big quickly. These stretch marks can also develop on breast and thigh. You may feel more easily hungry than before. You should maintain a sensible, balanced diet and avoid excessive weight gain.

Indigestion or heartburn are common at this stage, so frequent small meals can be helpful. You may also become tired easily and experience some swelling in your face, hands or feet.

Your baby weighs around 1 kg at 28 weeks, and his or her brain, lungs and digestive systems are formed but not fully mature. Your baby can responses to touch and sound.