Development from 1 to 4 Months (Cantonese version with English subtitle only)

(Video uploaded 04/2018)


Titleļ¼šDevelopment from 1 to 4 Months

Scene: The baby lies on his bed, moves his limbs, looking here and there with his eyes and then stares at the moving mobile hanging above him.

Narrator: You will probably notice the differences in your baby compared with the first month. He now spends less time sleeping, and shows increasing awareness and interest to his surroundings.

Scene: A three months old baby lies on his bed, watches the moving mobile happily. He moves his arms and kicks his legs. He also moves his body and stretches his arms trying to reach the mobile.

Narrator: By the end of third month, your baby can move his limbs more smoothly and kicks his legs with force occasionally. He tries to touch dangling objects by moving his arms and body eagerly.

Scene: The mother puts her baby lie on his tummy on the sofa and uses a toy to attract him. He raises his head and chest up by resting on his forearms. The mother then holds his baby up and he can keep his head steadily and looks at his mother.

Narrator: When lying on his tummy, he is able to lift the head and chest by supporting his body with his forearms. He can keep his head up fairly steadily when being held up.

Scene: The baby opens her hands, grasps a rattle when put near her palm or brings her two hands together in front of her eyes and look at them.

Narrator: He can keep his hands open at times or even grasps a rattle placed in his palm. He likes to bring his hands together to look at and play with them.

Scene: The baby lies on his bed, looking around with interest and he sees clearly his mother moving around.

Narrator: As for vision, he can recognize familiar people at a distance.

Scene: The mother brings her baby out in his stroller to a shopping mall. The baby looks at his mother talking to the saleslady attentively.

Narrator: When going out, he likes to explore the surroundings with his eyes. His vision follows the movement of familiar people,

Scene: The mother moves a toy in all direction in front of the baby and his eyes follow it closely.

Narrator: or objects at near.

Scene: The baby turns her head around when she hears her mother calls her. The baby makes some happy sounds when the mother plays with her.

Narrator: Concerning his hearing and speech, he turns to look at you when you call him from the side. He smiles on hearing familiar voices, especially his mother¡¦s voice. He starts vocalizing sounds like "Uh" "Uh".

Scene: Different babies use smile, crying and cooing to communicate with their carer.

Narrator: For social communication, your baby enjoys being played with. He uses social smile as a means of communication and uses crying, different facial expressions and cooing to express his needs.

Scene: Mother plays with her baby in the sofa. The baby makes different sounds to express his feelings.

Narrator: Concerning his language development, he can distinguish your emotional tone of voice. He starts to make and imitate different sounds. However, the sounds produced in fact have no specific meanings.

Scene: The mother holds the baby¡¦s hand and speaks to her. The mother also holds the baby in her lap and sings to her.

Narrator: Spend more time with your baby, singing songs to him to enhance parent-child relationship.