Development from 12 to 18 Months

(Video uploaded 06/2012)


Titleļ¼šDevelopment from 12 to 18 Months

Sub-heading: Walk

Scene: The mother holds her little boy's hands to teach him walk. The boy cruises a few steps by holding onto a TV cabinet. Aother 2 children walk freely by themsleves in the living room. One of the boy squats down to pick up a toy from the floor. He then walk to and climb up the sofa.

Narrator: Children start learning to walk at this stage. Although they may still wobble in their steps they can balance fairly well and try to squat down. Some of them may even climb onto furniture.

Scene: The mother holds her little boy's hands to teach him walk. A family member uses a toy to attract the boy to walk towards her. The little girl who knows how to walk is pulling a toy cart along.

Narrator: You can encourage your child to walk more such as by giving her a pull-along toy when walking. You can also take your child to the playground or to have more outdoor activities.

Sub-heading: Coordinate with hands and fingers

Scene: A baby is playing with an activity board. She uses her fingers to spin, press, pat and turns the different knobs on the activity board. The boy puts a small ball through the hole of a toy ring held by his mother. The boy is playing toy blocks with his parents. He stacks one block on top of another. Another girl sits on her father's lap is reading a big cardboard story book. She turns the page by herself. She scribbles on a magic board. She follows her parents instruction by putting her toys in and taking them out of a basket.

Narrator: Their hands and fingers coordination has become more accurate. They can stack blocks, turn thick pages of a book, doodle with a crayon and put objects in and out of a container.

Scene: The girl and her father is playing with toys on the floor.

Daddy: Comb.

Scene: The girl hands the comb to her father.

Narrator: At this stage they know the name of objects and will look at the object named by you.

Daddy: Telephone.

Scene: The girl picks up the toy phone and pretends to talk.

Daddy: Drink.

Scene: The girl takes the toy cup from the floor and pretend to drink. The father then holds a doll and shows it to the girl.

Daddy: Comb comb.

Scene: The girl picks up the toy comb and comb the hair of the doll.

Sub-heading: Understands simple instructions

Narrator: They can also follow simple instructions.

Scene: The girl plays attentively with her toys. The father holds out his hand to the girl.

Daddy: Give me.

Scene: The girl puts the toy in the father's hand.

Daddy: Good girl. Bye-bye.

Scene: The girl waves bye-bye.

Sub-heading: Begin to talk

Scene: The father and mother play and talk to her girl. The girl responds by making sounds like "Ah" "Ah!".

Narrator: As they start to talk with jargons or sometimes words, try talking to them frequently and let them imitate your words.

Scene: The girl picks up a ball.

Mother: What's that? A ball.

Scene: The girl hands the ball to her father and makes some sound like "Eh" "Eh".

Sub-heading: Think

Scene: The girl looks at and explores the toy phone in her hand.

Narrator: Children of this age start to take interest and experiment on things around them.

Scene: A boy is playing with his parents. He throws a ball to the floor and it bounces. He finds it funny. He thens thorws different objects on the floor to test if they also bounce.

Narrator: For instance, when a child finds out a ball bounces when he throws it, he will throw other objects to check whether they will bounce too.

Scene: Another little boy is playing toy blocks with his parents. He finds a block hidden under a box easily. The boy drops the block and it rolls under the sofa accidentally. He crawl down on the floor and try to stick his hand under the sofa to get it back.

Narrator: They will also try to solve problems.

Scene: A boy and a girl are playing tea set on the floor. The girl puts a toy spoon to the doll's mouth and pretends feeding it. She puts a toy phone to her ear and pretends talking with her father. The parents are reading newspaper on the sofa, a boy holds a book and imitates what they are doing.

Narrator: They like simple pretend play such as playing with a tea set or imitate the actions of adults, for example reading a book. The way they play actually reflects their observation in daily life.

Sub-heading: Care for self

Scene: Three toddlers sitting side by side eating at a small table. They try to use the spoon to feed themselves and hold a cup to drink.

Narrator: Give more chances for your child to try in self care activities. You will discover that he can do so much like eat with a spoon and drink with a cup.

Scene: One of the little boy plays with his food while eating and makes a mess on the table.

Narrator: Don't get upset if your child makes a mess during the learning process. You should praise and encourage him. This can help your child to build up a sense of achievement and to be independent.

Scene: The mother praise the girl eating nicely by clapping her hands. The father hands a piece of paper towel to the boy to clean his mouth.

Sub-heading: Like being with other children

Scene: Three toddlers are playing in the living room. Each child is playing with different toys and with little interactions.

Narrator: Children like making new friends at this stage. Although they like being with other children they still play on their own most of the time.

Scene: A boy and a girl are snatching a toy. The boy cries when he fails to get the toy. Then another boy comes and he snatches the toy from the girl.

Narrator: They are still self-centered and may snatch toys, throw tantrums or even fight with other children. If that happens, stop him immediately and encourage your child to express his needs through words or gestures.

Scene: The father comes over and stops the boy. The boy stops and use gestures to show his father what he wants.