Child Health Service

Clients visiting Maternal and Child Health Centres (MCHCs) for Child Health Service are required to bring along the following documents:

First Registration Subsequent Visit
Immunisation record (i.e. injection card)
Birth identity documents*# (e.g. Birth Certificate)
For non-local born children, please bring along valid travel documents*

If child's valid Hong Kong birth identity documents or travel documents are not available, parents' valid Hong Kong identity cards or travel documents* are required. (copies are acceptable)

Newborn hospital discharge record (i.e. Blood report, hearing test result or other medical reports…etc) Discharge record of subsequent hospitalisation or medical certificate of child's medical problems/illness
MCHC Antenatal Registration Card of mother (If applicable. You can also bring along mother's antenatal record for our medical staffs to understand the condition of mothers and their children ) Child Health Record
Filled in “Child Health Service- First Registration Form

* Proof of identity is required.

# If parents or guardians are unable to provide a valid Hong Kong birth identity document, all child health services are chargeable as per the prevailing gazetted charges for Non-Eligible persons. Details about registration of a birth can be referred to website of Immigration Department.

For details of all MCHCs, please click here.