Talk about What is happening

(Video uploaded 22/03/2020)

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Titleļ¼šTalk about What is Happening

Miss Siu: The third skill is to “Talk about What is Happening”. While playing, the parents describe what they are doing and use actions and words at the same time. Let's see how they do it!

Scene: Father Ah Kin sits on floor mat with his son playing stacking rings and is giving a toy duck to him.

Kin: Hold the ducky. Ducky, put it there. Here is a hole you can put it through. Try it.

Miss Siu: They were playing stacking rings. When Dad held the ducky up, he said “ducky”. When he taught his son to place it, he talked while he demonstrated: "Here's ducky, put it there! Here's a hole, try it" to help the child understand what he meant.

Sub-heading: Talk about What is Happening

Scene: Father Ah Kam and baby Jo Jo are waiting for the lift. Jo Jo tries to press the lift button. Ah Kam squats down and talks to Jo Jo face to face.

Kam: Hey! So sweetheart do you want to press the button?

Scene: Jo Jo nods her head, father Ah Kam picks her up and shows her how to press the button.

Kam: Darling, it glows. Look! It's a “button”! You want to press it?

Scene: Jo Jo stretches out her arm and presses the lift button.

Miss Siu: When dad knew his daughter wanted to press the lift button, he pressed the button and said something related to it: It glows, it's a “button”.

Sub-heading: Talk about What is Happening

Scene: Father Ah Kin, mother Ah Ying and baby Yau Yau are in the fruit store. Yau Yau picks up a lemon. Ah Kin squats down.

Yau: Ooah!

Kin: This is a lemon. It's sour. Yau Yau, do you like it? “Lemon”, lemons are sour. Do you like it? Um!

Miss Siu: Dad noticed his daughter was interested in the lemon. So he took the chance to teach her the name of the fruit and the characteristics of a lemon.

Sub-heading: The Department of Health owns the copyright of this digital video. This digital video is produced solely for non-commercial use. It should not be rented, sold or otherwise used for profit-making purposes. Produced in 2019 (English version)