Integrating Communication Skills in Play

(Video uploaded 22/03/2020)

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Title:Integrating Communication Skills in Play

Miss Siu: We have just watched how to use the four parent-child communication skills. Next, let's see how I combine these skills together when playing with children.

Scene: Miss Siu, a child and a mother sit on a floor mat and play with toy food and knife.

Sub-heading: Face to Face

Miss Siu: Good! What else do I have to cut? You see, what is it? What is it? It's bread.

Child: Bread.

Miss Siu: Bread, shall we cut the bread? Yes?

Child: Yes!

Sub-heading: Talk about What is Happening

Scene: Miss Siu is encouraging the child to cut the toy bread using the toy knife.

Miss Siu: Okay! Let's cut. Cut. Take the knife. Hold it, hold the knife like this. Hold the bread. One. Two. Three. Cut. Oh no! It's so difficult! Cut, cut. And it's done! Cut it again! Ready? One two three cut. Oh Grrrr it's so hard! Oh! You did it!

Sub-heading: Let Child Take the Lead

Miss Siu: One more? Yes, let's do it once more. Let me hold it! Cut. Cut. Oh! Not yet. Try again. Let me help you this time. Done! You did it! Well done you!

Scene: Miss Siu and another child sit on floor mat and play with a toy teapot with its cover on.

Miss Siu: There's sound. Open it!

Sub-heading: Respond More

Scene: The child gives the toy teapot to Miss Siu. Miss Siu takes off the cover and let child see the toy strawberry inside the teapot.

Miss Siu: You want me to open it? OK.

Child: Auntie.

Miss Siu: Open it. Let me open it. It's opened!

Sub-heading: Talk about What is Happening

Miss Siu: A strawberry! Quick! Cover it. It's gone! It's gone! Put it in. Put it in. Oh!

Sub-heading: Praise More

Scene: Miss Siu and the child are clapping hands to show praise.

Miss Siu: Well done! Yes, well done!

Sub-heading: Common Questions While Communicating with Child – How to talk about what is happening?

Narrator: Talking about what is happening will benefit children's development. Parents may ask how they can do it

Sub-heading: Talk about What is Happening

Scene: Miss Siu, a child and a mother sit on floor mat and play with toy food and knife.

Miss Siu: Wow! A fish. You see?

Narrator: We can use both actions and words to describe what the child is doing.

Scene: The child takes the fish and break it into 2 halves.

Miss Siu: Fish, goo goo goo! Break it! Wow, it's done!

Sub-heading: Describe Child's Action

Narrator: And your own action.

Sub-heading: Describe Your Own Action

Scene: Miss Siu take out a toy knife and encourage the child to cut the fish and then stick the pieces together.

Miss Siu: Let's get a knife to cut it. See whether auntie has a knife. Take the knife and cut. We'll stick it together. Then let me place a chopping board here.
Get ready? One Two Three.

Narrator: Remember, you have to pause and allow her to respond.

Sub-heading: Pause When Appropriate

Miss Siu: It's pulled apart! Hold it. Want to stick it? Stick again? Together? OK then, here.

Narrator: So, the child has a chance to take a turn and respond.

Miss Siu: One Two Three Cut

Sub-heading: Common Questions While Communicating with Child – What to do if the child loses interest after playing for a while?

Narrator: Parents may also ask what if the child loses interest after playing for a while. First, we should check whether the toy or game chosen suits the child's ability. Children may lose interest in very difficult or overly simple games. Then we can try the following ways to attract their interest. For example, by making some sound.

Sub-heading: Making Sound to Arouse Interest

Scene: Miss Siu and a child sit on the floor mat and play with a toy teapot.  She makes sound by patting and shaking the toy teapot to attract the child.

Miss Siu: Pull it open. Here you go. Here. Look here. Open it. Wow! That's good!

Sub-heading: Using Action to Arouse Interest

Scene: Miss Siu, another child and a mother sit on floor mat, play with a toy fish and a toy teapot. Miss Siu holds out the fish and pretends that it is swimming.

Miss Siu: Wow! It's a fish, you see?

Narrator: An action

Miss Siu: Fish, Goo goo goo goo goo goo

Scene: Child takes the fish and breaks it

Miss Siu: Oh no! It's broken.

Scene: Miss Siu and the other child playing with the toy teapot, knife and foods.

Miss Siu: Take the knife, take it and cut it. Here. Cut it. Wow!

Narrator: Play in different ways. Like with a toy teapot, apart from making tea with it, we can also use it as a box for putting things in and taking things out to arouse children's interest.

Sub-heading: Different Ways to Play to Arouse Interest

Miss Siu: Oh! See? What is it?

Narrator: If you notice that the child has lost interest or becomes irritated, don't push them.

Miss Siu: Alright! Let's stop here then.

Sub-heading: The Department of Health owns the copyright of this digital video. This digital video is produced solely for non-commercial use. It should not be rented, sold or otherwise used for profit-making purposes. Produced in 2019 (English version)