How to manage white spots on the nipples?

(Video uploaded 08/2014)


How to manage white spots on the nipples?

White spots are caused by milk plugs blocking the openings of the milk ducts on the nipples. If you only have one white spot and it doesn't cause you pain, no treatment is required. Yet you should keep observing the situation and make sure your baby is suckling properly on every feed. If you do feel pain, you can warm the nipple before nursing so the skin of the nipple is softened. Then, let the baby suckles so that the milk plug can be flushed out by the milk suction. If the white spot remains after feeding, warm the nipple again and then gently rub the nipple with a rough towel. Then, use your fingers and gently press the area behind the white spot so to squeeze out the milk plug. If the condition still persists, you should seek medical advice from Maternal and Child Health Centres or your doctor.

If the white spot is big or you have more than one, and the pain persists, it is very likely to be fungal infection which requires treatment from Maternal and Child Health Centres or your doctor. As long as you and your child are receiving treatment, breastfeeding can be continued.