How do I wean my baby from breastfeeding?

(Video uploaded 08/2014)


How do I wean my baby from breastfeeding?

There is no fix rule on how or when to wean, as long as both you and your baby want to. You can wean gradually by reducing one feed every 2 - 3 days. On the first day, omit one direct breastfeed or milk expression and replace the feed with formula milk.  If your child is already one year old, replace the feed with solid food. If you encounter breast engorgement, express a small amount of milk to relieve the discomfort. However, do not express too frequently since it will stimulate milk supply. You may also take painkillers and apply cold compress to reduce breast engorgement. When your condition improves, you can try to cut one more feed a day, and so on. If your baby is one year old or up, she can actually drink fresh milk and eat other solid food.

You should not wear tight or underwire bra, you should change breast pads frequently to keep your breast cool and dry. If your breast becomes red, swollen, and painful, or you have flu-like symptoms for 24 hours, you should consult a doctor immediately.