My child talks less than his classmates. What can I do?

(Video uploaded 04/2013)


Language development of a child can be affected by his genetic factors, intellectual development, hearing, language environment or even his emotions. Children vary in their pace of language development. If your child is noticed by his teacher to have communication difficulties, you may need to seek medical advice.

You can help to facilitate your child's language development in everyday life. Spend time to talk with him. You may talk to him while playing with him or follow his interests to elicit ideas and words from your child. Use more open-ended questions such as “What do you like to eat?”. When your child approaches you to tell you something, you should encourage him by smiling, nodding or giving praises. Wait patiently for him to finish before you respond. You may add related words to what your child says. Spend quality time with your child by reading with him every day. While reading, stop from time to time to ask him questions about the story or prompt him to continue the story. All these help facilitate his language development. Remember to keep a natural and relaxed atmosphere.