Nurturing virtues and values in children

(Video uploaded 01/2018)


Title:Nurturing virtues and values in children

Narrator : Nurturing virtues and values in children

Narrator : It is essential to start nurturing virtues

Narrator : and values in young children

Narrator : so that they can do the right things

Narrator : and be nice to people around them

Narrator : It will also contribute to their success in the future

Narrator : From 2 years old

Narrator : children learn to think from others' points of view

Narrator : We can make use of every opportunity in daily life

Narrator : to develop such ability

Narrator : according to their developmental level

Narrator : Being their role model

Narrator : it is important in instilling them with good virtues and values

Narrator : Respect others

Narrator : Just like Mr. and Mrs. Wong

Narrator : they respect people and are caring and polite

Narrator : They greet their neighbours, Mrs. Lee and her daughter

Narrator : at the children's playroom with their son

Narrator : Chris wants to go and keeps pulling his Mum's hand

Narrator : while she is chatting with Mrs. Lee

Narrator : Seeing Chris keep pulling Mum's hand

Narrator : Mr. Wong tells Chris to respect others

Narrator : and to wait until they finish talking

Narrator : Care and empathy

Narrator : Kiki and Chris are playing in the playroom

Narrator : Suddenly, a boy trips over and falls down

Narrator : Chris laughs at the boy but Kiki offers help to him

Narrator : Mrs. Lee smiles at Kiki and gives her a thumbs-up

Narrator : Mr. Wong asks Chris if he would like others to laugh at him

Narrator : if he is the one who trips

Narrator : Chris shakes his head in response

Narrator : Sharing and cooperation

Narrator : Kiki shares her stickers with Chris and Hinz

Narrator : The boys are so happy when they receive the stickers

Narrator : It is good that children learn to share

Narrator : Cultivate social responsibilities

Narrator : Chris takes out some snacks

Narrator : from his pocket to eat in the playroom

Narrator : Kiki and Mrs. Lee stop him

Narrator : and draw his attention to the sign of ‘No eating'

Narrator : Helping children to obey rules in public places is important

Narrator : Develop self-control

Narrator : Children have difficulties in controlling their impulses

Narrator : and lose their temper easily

Narrator : One thing you can do

Narrator : is to help your child develop her self-control

Narrator : While Kiki is having a wonderful time in the playroom

Narrator : Mrs Lee tells Kiki it's time to go home

Narrator : Kiki refuses to leave. She keeps stamping her feet

Narrator : Mrs. Lee takes her aside

Narrator : and teaches her to take deep breaths to calm herself down

Narrator : Finally, Kiki calms down, and Mrs. Lee praises her

Narrator : Then, they go home together

Narrator : To foster your child's self-control

Narrator : your persistent effort with the child is important!