Toilet training

(Video uploaded 01/2018)


Title:Toilet training

Narrator : Bowel and bladder control in young children

Narrator : is a gradual learning process

Narrator : If you find your child has the following signs

Narrator : such as remaining dry for about two hours in the daytime

Narrator : following simple instructions

Narrator : showing you the need to go to the toilet

Narrator : with gestures or words

Narrator : having interests in going to the toilet

Narrator : having fairly predictable bowel movements

Narrator : or feeling uncomfortable when the diaper is soiled or wet

Narrator : it is time to help your child say goodbye to diapers

Narrator : Getting ready for toilet training

Narrator : First, get a suitable potty

Narrator : and leave it in a fixed location

Narrator : where your child can easily get to it

Narrator : A potty seat with a urine guard at the front

Narrator : is preferable for boys to prevent splashing

Narrator : If you train your child using an adult toilet

Narrator : put a child toilet seat on it

Narrator : together with a stepstool under your child's feet for support

Narrator : How to start toilet training

Narrator : Start training in warmer seasons

Narrator : Your child can wear fewer layers

Narrator : which makes it easier for putting on and taking off

Narrator : Pick the period

Narrator : that you have some free time everyday to train your child

Narrator : Let your child get to know the potty

Narrator : Play with her by letting her sit on it

Narrator : to pretend and go through the steps of going to the toilet

Narrator : When you and your child are ready

Narrator : it's time to start the training!

Narrator : To begin, you may ask her to go to the toilet

Narrator : according to her bowel pattern

Narrator : Then, fit the toilet time into her daily routines gradually

Narrator : for example, after waking up, after meals or before bedtime

Narrator : Mum and Katie have finished their breakfast

Narrator : Mum starts the toilet-training routine with Katie

Narrator : Mum takes Katie to sit on the potty and stays with her

Narrator : It would be easier to train pooping first

Narrator : When your child shows signs to poo

Narrator : ask if she has the urge

Narrator : and encourage her to sit on the potty

Narrator : Proper sitting posture eases passing out of a stool

Narrator : Keep her hips below the knees

Narrator : while putting the elbows on the knees

Narrator : sit straight and push by puffing up the tummy

Narrator : Steps of going to the toilet

Narrator : Explain the steps involved in toileting to your child

Narrator : First of all

Narrator : when your child tells you she needs to go to the toilet

Narrator : Take her to the toilet or potty

Narrator : Help her to pull down her pants

Narrator : Sit on the toilet seat or potty

Narrator : Then wipe clean

Narrator : Pull up the pants, flush the toilet and wash hands

Narrator : For teaching boys to wee

Narrator : it may be easier if they are in a sitting position

Narrator : You may also teach him

Narrator : to press down his penis to avoid splashing

Narrator : Some children may resist taking off their diapers

Narrator : You can let them sit on the potty with a diaper on first

Narrator : You can drop the soiled diaper

Narrator : into the potty and let you child see it

Narrator : When your child gets used to it

Narrator : you can unfasten her diaper

Narrator : and put it into the potty before she sits on it

Narrator : Toddlers usually wee when they poo

Narrator : so you can train them both at the same time

Narrator : Consider using cotton training pants during daytime

Narrator : When your child feels uncomfortable

Narrator : with wet or soiled pants

Narrator : she would accept the potty more readily

Narrator : No pressure, more encouragement

Narrator : If your child resists sitting on the potty, don't force her

Narrator : Ask again later

Narrator : At the beginning

Narrator : stay with your child and make her more relaxed

Narrator : by talking to her

Narrator : reading a story or playing with her

Narrator : while she is on the potty

Narrator : When your child uses the potty successfully, praise her

Narrator : If she is not successful

Narrator : even though she has been sitting on the potty

Narrator : for a few minutes

Narrator : you still have to praise her for her patience and let her leave

Narrator : If your child accidentally soils or wets her pants

Narrator : just clean up for her calmly

Narrator : and remind her of the toileting steps

Narrator : Remember!

Narrator : Toilet training aims to help children achieve self-control

Narrator : Don't force them or shout at them

Narrator : Be patient and practise with your child every day

Narrator : Make sure your child has plenty of fibre and fluid intake

Narrator : This helps bowel movement and urination

Narrator : especially in the process of toilet training