Your Wellbeing Counts – Raising Your Child with Positive Parenting

(Video uploaded 05/2023)


Heading: Your Wellbeing Counts – Raising Your Child with Positive Parenting

Narrator: Your Wellbeing Counts – Raising Your Child with Positive Parenting

Child care itself can be exhausting. Together with family duties, work and other matters, getting some rest might feel like a luxury to parents.

You have done so much to give your child the best care and support. But if you feel tense all the time, or get irritated and worried easily, how can you respond sensitively to your child's needs and enjoy your time together?

You may say, "Well I already know this!" But have you done anything to take care of yourself or cheer yourself up in the past 24 hours? Do you sometimes overlook yourself for the care of others?

You might think, "How can I make time for myself when I'm so busy with the children?" But no matter how busy you get, you can always take a moment to relax. For example, you can listen to your favourite music while doing chores, or spend a few minutes a day on breathing exercises. It's also important to spend your me time wisely. Instead of scrolling on your phone mindlessly without relaxing afterwards, spend your time on what really helps you to unwind, or simply take a nap. We all have our own way of relaxing. Just take time to recharge whenever you can.

Research shows that mental and physical health are connected, so it's always a great idea to exercise. Even if you're too busy with your child, taking them for a walk outdoors can count towards taking care of your wellbeing too!

Apart from feeling worn out, some parents often feel worried or easily blame themselves for not being good enough, especially when there are so many model parents on social media these days, some seem so good at playing with their children, and some even create their own learning materials. When we are unconsciously comparing with others or are too concerned about our limitations, it's easy to feel that we're not good enough. Next time when self-doubt creeps in, try to be more forgiving to yourself, tell yourself, "No, I can't do everything perfectly but no one is perfect anyway!"

In fact, what your child needs is not perfect parents, but your love and care for them, while you keep yourself healthy and well. That's already good enough for them.

Other than learning to accept yourself, you also have to pay attention to your physical and mental states. Simply pause and notice what your body is feeling at present. For instance, do you feel any pain in your neck and shoulders, or any other bodily discomfort? Are you breathing more rapidly? Are there any changes in your sleep and eating habits? All these could be warning signs from your body.

Emotionally, do you feel irritated easily or less interested in daily activities? If these signs persist or even worsen, it's time to seek help from a professional.

Starting today, pay more attention to and take good care of yourself so that you will be able to stay healthy and happy as you raise your child.

To learn more about mental health and parenting, visit the website of Family Health Service, Department of Health at You could also watch the other videos in the Parenting with DEAR series for more information on positive parenting.

This video is produced by the Family Health Service of the Department of Health