How to prepare meat puree for your baby?

After 6 months old, babies can eat meat (e.g. chicken, pork, beef and lamb) to obtain iron. You can use the following method to prepare meat puree for your baby to try. You may refer to the '7-day Healthy Meal Planning Guide for 6 to 24 month old children' for more methods to prepare minced meat.

Step 1:Wash a piece of meat and chop it into fine strips and lumps on a cutting board for raw food.

Chop the meat into fine strips and lumps on a cutting board for raw food

Step 2:Add some water to the raw meat lumps and stir. Put the meat lumps in a small plate. Steam 5-8 minutes until thoroughly cooked.

Put the meat lumps in a small plate
Steam 5-8 minutes until thoroughly cooked

Step 3:Transfer the cooked meat lumps with the meat juice into a cleaned blender.

Transfer the cooked meat lumps with the meat juice into a cleaned blender

Step 4:Turn on the blender and blend the cooked meat lumps. Pause the blender to check the texture regularly. Add drinking water to adjust consistency of the meat puree.

Add drinking water to adjust consistency of the meat puree
Smooth meat puree

When your baby eats well with the smooth meat puree, shorten the blending time. This helps your baby to learn eating more textured foods.

Step 5:Parents can serve the meat puree to your baby by:

  1. making congee with meat and vegetables, first, add the cooked meat puree, then add some pureed or chopped vegetables and a small amount (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil. Stir and bring all of this to a boil and serve. Apart from meat, let your baby try fish, egg, tofu, beans, too. You can refer to the recipes in the '7-day Healthy Meal Planning Guide for 6 to 24 month old children' for more ideas.
  2. adding the meat puree to an infant cereal.
  3. feeding the meat puree without mixing other foods.
Feeding the meat puree without mixing other foods