What are the side effects of contraceptive injectables?

(Video uploaded 11/2021)


There are two types of contraceptives injectables: the progesterone-only type and the combined type. Woman should have assessment by doctor before the start of any contraceptive injectables.

What are combined contraceptive injectables?

The combined injectables contain both estrogen and progestogen and the contraceptive effect lasts for around one month.

What are the side effects of combined contraceptive injectables?

Possible side effects include weight gain, dizziness, headache and breast engorgement. Generally they will disappear after a short time. During the injection period, you may experience side effects such as irregular menses, decrease menstrual flow or absent menses due to hormonal changes in your body.

How long does the contraceptive effect of Progesterone-only injectable last for?

The contraceptive effect of the progesterone-only injectable lasts for around 13 weeks for a single injection.

What are the side effects of Progesterone-only contraceptive injectable?

Some women may have weight gain, dizziness, headache, breast engorgement, etc. shortly after starting the progesterone injectable. Most of these symptoms will subside after a few weeks. During the injection period, you may experience side effects such as irregular menses, decreased menstrual flow or absent menses due to hormonal changes in your body.

Moreover, prolonged use of the progesterone injectable for more than two years is associated with a lower bone mineral density. The bone mineral density is usually normalized after discontinuation.

Under what conditions should I visit a doctor?

If you have increased or persistent menstrual bleeding after the injection, you should consult a doctor.